An Interview With… Jack Gudgin

Interview with Jack, the new starter at Kino

Jack Gudgin Headshot


What do you do to relax?

Order Dominos to keep me company whilst I binge watch the office, or it’s always sunny


What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

Productivity breeds more productivity


What was your biggest challenge to date?

Passing my driving test after 3 failed theories and 5 failed practicals


Who are your heroes, both in and out of business?

In the design world I look up to people like Alexis Taieb or “Tyrsa” and Herb Lubalin – both great lettering artists.

Outside of business I’m inspired by people who are just passionate about what they do.


What made you want to work in the design industry?

It started with a love of graffiti which led me on to discover the world of graphic design after that I was hooked and went straight on to a design course after finishing school

(working with letters remains a favourite aspect of design – I even wrote this blog post about it


What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

My proudest moment was securing my first job role at a design agency – this job. It was the product of a total of almost 6 years in graphic design education and has been what I wanted to do for a living as long as I can remember.


What is your key tool in any marketing campaign?

Social media. Social media advertising seems to produce a lot of value for money. In 2019 people are looking at their phones more than TVs or billboards.


What is the best thing about social media?

There are plenty of negative things to be said about social media but I think the best thing it has done is connected us.


What is your favourite aspect of your job?

Design was a hobby that I did for fun long before It became my job so I’m just grateful that I get to do what I love for a living because it seems quite rare.


Favourite quote….

“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious” – Michael Scott